Throughout the school, each class holds a Celebration of the Word on a weekly basis. Children help to prepare their own class Celebration of Word, which are based on different topics, sometimes based on the liturgical year, at other times based on their class Religious Education lessons.
Children set up a focal table to frame the Celebration of the Word in prayer. The children select the Bible reading from the Bible and the meaning behind the scripture is reflected in the colour of the liturgical cloth, objects chosen and hymns chosen.
At St Cuthbert’s, we use a four-part approach to Celebration of the Word, taking the mass as a perfect example of this.
- We Gather – The children gather in the classroom with a focus area at the front of the classroom. They can use candles, rosary beads, prayer stone and other religious artefacts to reflect the theme of their Celebration of the Word. The children welcome everyone and prepare themselves to get closer to God.
- We Listen– The children chose a Bible reading linked to their prayer theme and read the scripture aloud to their class. They say the responses used at Mass to structure their Celebration of the Word.
- We Respond – Children consider what they have seen and heard and how it relates to them. They choose a prayer, action or to show their response to the Bible reading chosen.
- We Go Forth – Children choose a way to go forth, sharing the Good News and following God’s mission in their everyday lives.
After each COTW, we take time to reflect using questions such as:
- How did the prayer make you feel?
- What did the prayer make you think about?
- What did you enjoy during the prayer?
- What will you remember about the prayer?