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Every moment counts

We want our pupils to benefit from the highest quality education to enable them to excel. We know that pupils who attend well have the best chances of success academically and socially. They are more likely to achieve well in examinations and assessments and more likely to form secure and lasting friendships.

This can only be achieved if pupils are in school regularly, and on time.

We have a meticulously planned curriculum which sets out exactly what pupils should be taught at every stage of the year. When pupils are absent, they risk developing large gaps in their learning.

Excellent attendance is everyone’s business and improving attendance is in everyone’s interests. We aim to secure good attendance by building strong relationships with pupils, parents and carers so that we can support them to reduce any barriers to school attendance.

Leave of Absence Requests

With effect from 19th August 2024 a new national framework was introduced with regard to children being absent from school. The reforms are part of the government’s plan to improve attendance throughout the country.

There are only a few circumstances where a child is allowed to miss school and be marked as having an authorised absence, these are illness, a medical appointment or where school has granted permission for an absence due to an exceptional circumstance.

Under the new framework a child who has a total of 10 or more am/pm sessions (5 days) of unauthorised absence, within a ten week period, will be considered for a fine by the Local Authority. Costs of fines have increased to £80 if paid within 21 days and £160 if paid within 28 days.

While we do not want to deprive hardworking families of a holiday we are not permitted to authorise absence from school during term time – especially for 5 days (10 sessions) or more.

The Arbor Parent Portal displays your child’s % attendance so that you can monitor this as the term progresses, attendance is also monitored in school. As always, we will continue to work as a team, to support all our pupils to achieve good attendance.

All requests for leave of absence must be submitted using the form available from the School Office. The exceptional circumstances for the request must be indicated and supporting evidence provided where available.

Please contact the school if you wish to discuss this with the Headteacher.


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