At St. Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School, we care about our children beyond their academic abilities within the classroom. We value each child as an individual, appreciating the ups and downs of life they all face. The emotional health and well-being of your child is incredibly important to us, as we want all children that come to our school to be happy and content and to achieve their full potential in life.
The Senior Mental Health lead in our school is Mrs. A Garrity (Headteacher). The Personal Social and Healthcare Education (PSHE) lead is Miss B Noble. The Special Educational Needs Disability Co-Ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs. L Fox.
Durham County Council also provide a network of mental health support groups both locally and nationally on their website.
Mental Health and Well-being is very important within the school and the wider community. We have a number of different ways to offer help to both parents and students who feel that they may need to talk to someone about their mental health, or get the support for someone they are concerned about.
As a school we take all aspects of a children’s well-being seriously but we are first, and foremost, a school so as well as contacting us to let us know your concerns we strongly recommend that you contact your GP to discuss any concerns that you may have about your child.
We place great emphasis on the welfare of our school community and provide support, information and guidance to help everyone at our school feel happy. We also celebrate the diverse and inclusive nature of our school community and recognise the faiths, beliefs and needs held by all.
Please see below for mental health & well-being information, signposting to services and advice for parents:
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