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School Office


Our School Office Staff, Mrs J Cook and Mrs P Pattinson, are here to help you, however here are a few items that may be useful to parents and carers which you can view or download from our website.

Our School Day

Here is a breakdown of our school day:

NurseryInfants (Reception, Y1-Y2)Juniors (Y3-Y6)
Morning Session8:45 - 11:458.45 - 12.008.45 - 12.00
Break10.30 - 10.4510.30 - 10.45
Lunch12.00 - 1.0012.00 - 01.00
Afternoon Session12:15 - 3:1501.00 - 03.1501.00 - 03.20
Break (Infant)02.05 - 02.15

The school playground is open and supervised from 8:30am each morning.  If you need to leave your child earlier than this please ensure that they are booked into Breakfast Club.


  • Nursery Miss R Muldowney
  • YR (Reception) Mrs Traynor
  • Y1 Mr Coburn
  • Y2 Mrs L Fox
  • Y3 Miss S McCabe and Mrs H Bewley
  • Y4 Mrs H Graham and Mrs H Bewley
  • Y5 Mrs R Kerr
  • Y6 Mrs A Lord

Safer Parking

To make it safe for pedestrians and especially our children, vehicles are not allowed to enter the school carpark between 8:30am – 9:15am and 2:45pm – 3:30pm. 

Please note there are parking restrictions in the streets around school between 9:30am-11:30am and 12:30pm-2:30pm.

The area immediately outside of school is marked with zig-zag lines, please do not stop, drop or park on the Keep Clear lines. Please do not block resident’s driveways or stop in the middle of the road to drop off your children. Children should always enter and exit the vehicle on the pavement side. Take care when reversing and keep your speed low, allowing everyone to see, think and act safely.

Reporting Absences

If your child is ill, or absent from school for any reason please follow our report an absence guidelines on our website.

Online Forms

Please select the link below to complete and submit an online form.

Downloadable Forms


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